The characteristics of the quasi-2-day wave (QTDW) in the upper stratosphere and lower mesospheric (USLM) altitudes over the northern hemisphere (NH) and southern hemisphere (SH) have been studied by using Global Positioning Radio Occultation (GPSRO) Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate (COSMIC) temperature data from November 2006 to December 2010. We studied the seasonal, latitudinal, and interannual variability of the westward-propagating 2-day wave coincident with zonal wave number 3 in both hemispheres in the altitude range of 20-60 km. The Lomb-Scargle periodogram (LSP) analysis indicates the dominance of the QTDW in the USLM in both the hemispheres. The observed amplitude of the wave is maximum during the winter season in middle and higher latitudes, with monthly mean amplitudes being as high as ∼8 K. These amplitudes are found frequently during the late fall and peak to a maximum in the NH winter season. In the SH, QTDW amplitudes are found in the early winter season and appear till the early fall months. The QTDW varies from 49 ± 3 to 48 ± 1 h in the NH and SH, respectively, with westward-propagating wave number 3. The amplitudes of the wave are large during winter in both the hemispheres, and, comparatively, the NH amplitudes are larger than those of the SH in higher latitudes.