City planners are engaging productively with the goals of the regional Sustainable Communities Strategies (SCSs) under California’s Senate Bill 375 (2008), but more staff and technical assistance, particularly for financing mechanisms, is needed. Infill housing to reduce commute distances is a critical component of addressing regional vehicle miles traveled. Yet, bike and pedestrian infrastructure is communities’ highest priority for retrofitting existing neighborhoods and setting the stage for future compact development. However, in places where cooperation among jurisdictions exists, particularly with leadership from multicity agencies, multifamily housing is shown to be a higher priority. This suggests a need for finding ways to promote cooperation between cities on SB 375 implementation. One way that this is already happening is through multicity organizations such as county transportation authorities and councils of governments that represent multiple cities and towns within a county. Recommendations include increasing capacity and technical assistance for such partnerships, while expanding funding and incentives for compact development in urban areas and suburbs.