Social balance theory describes allowable and forbidden configurations of the
topologies of signed directed social appraisal networks. In this paper, we
propose two discrete-time dynamical systems that explain how an appraisal
network \textcolor{blue}{converges to} social balance from an initially
unbalanced configuration. These two models are based on two different
socio-psychological mechanisms respectively: the homophily mechanism and the
influence mechanism. Our main theoretical contribution is a comprehensive
analysis for both models in three steps. First, we establish the well-posedness
and bounded evolution of the interpersonal appraisals. Second, we fully
characterize the set of equilibrium points; for both models, each equilibrium
network is composed by an arbitrary number of complete subgraphs satisfying
structural balance. Third, we establish the equivalence among three distinct
properties: non-vanishing appraisals, convergence to all-to-all appraisal
networks, and finite-time achievement of social balance. In addition to
theoretical analysis, Monte Carlo validations illustrates how the non-vanishing
appraisal condition holds for generic initial conditions in both models.
Moreover, numerical comparison between the two models indicate that the
homophily-based model might be a more universal explanation for the formation
of social balance. Finally, adopting the homophily-based model, we present
numerical results on the mediation and globalization of local conflicts, the
competition for allies, and the asymptotic formation of a single versus two