Research has examined the role of domain-general cognitive
factors in second language (L2) acquisition, with emerging
evidence implicating a role for procedural memory, a long-
term memory system (e.g., Morgan-Short et al., 2014). Strong
conclusions regarding the role of procedural memory are
hindered by the lack of knowledge regarding the reliability
and validity of procedural memory assessments. In this study,
participants completed three assessments of procedural
memory that have previously been used to study L2 learning,
along with assessments of declarative memory, working
memory, and an artificial L2 learning task. Results indicated
that the procedural memory assessments generally showed
evidence of reliability and discriminant validity, but,
somewhat surprisingly, evidence for convergent validity was
lacking. Finally, one procedural memory assessment showed
predictive validity for the L2 learning task. Implications for
future research on the role of procedural memory in L2
acquisition will be considered in light of these results.