Previous studies on numeric cognition have focused primarily
on magnitude, based on its role as a core feature of number
knowledge. In this paper, we report the results of three
experiments investigating adults’ sensitivity to properties of
number apart from magnitude. In Experiment 1, we use a
triadic judgment task to replicate a classic study of number
properties. In Experiment 2, we compare these representations
among expert and non-expert groups. In Experiment 3, we
examine whether instruction can tune representation of
number properties. Results indicate that the triadic
comparison task is a reliable method of assessing sensitivity
to number properties. We found that magnitude is difficult to
suppress among non-experts, who are primarily attuned to
magnitude and parity. Mathematically sophisticated
participants were sensitive to a range of number properties
compared with the non-expert group. We discuss implications
for theories of number concepts and their relation to special