Oxidative stress and cardiovascular disease are risk factor of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) on maintenance hemodialysis. We used the fluorescence of low-density lipoprotein as an index of its proinflammatory potential to examine any role that high-density lipoprotein (HDL) might have in promoting this effect. The total body fat of the patients was measured by means of near-infrared interactance and their quality of life by means of SF36 questionnaires. In 189 randomly selected patients, followed for 30 months, HDL was found to be significantly anti-inflammatory but with a large standard deviation. Fully 17% of the patients had a decidedly proinflammatory index along with inferior SF36 scores. The patients were divided into 10% increments of total body fat percentages up to 40%. HDL was found to be progressively proinflammatory the higher the body fat content. Patients with a higher HDL proinflammatory index had a higher 30-month adjusted hazard ratio for death than those whose HDL were seen to be anti-inflammatory. Our findings suggest an important role of inflammatory HDL in patients with CKD leading to poor outcome.