Quantum phase estimation is one of the most powerful quantum primitives. This work proposes a new approach for the problem of multiple eigenvalue estimation: Quantum Multiple Eigenvalue Gaussian filtered Search (QMEGS). QMEGS leverages the Hadamard test circuit structure and only requires simple classical postprocessing. QMEGS is the first algorithm to simultaneously satisfy the following two properties: (1) It can achieve the Heisenberg-limited scaling without relying on any spectral gap assumption. (2) With a positive energy gap and additional assumptions on the initial state, QMEGS can estimate all dominant eigenvalues to ϵ accuracy utilizing a significantly reduced circuit depth compared to the standard quantum phase estimation algorithm. In the most favorable scenario, the maximal runtime can be reduced to as low as log(1/ϵ). This implies that QMEGS serves as an efficient and versatile approach, achieving the best-known results for both gapped and gapless systems. Numerical results validate the efficiency of our proposed algorithm in various regimes.