Tomato is an important commodity worldwide, consumed both as fresh fruit or processed products (such as juice, ketchup, and others), separating the industry into fresh and processing. For fresh-market tomatoes, fruit shelf-life and flavor (influenced by the rate of fruit softening), are important quality attributes. For processing tomatoes, major quality attributes include fruit color, total soluble solids, acidity, and juice consistency. The overarching goal of this Ph.D. dissertation was to investigate the role of pectin modifying enzymes in tomato quality for both fresh and processed markets, as the composition and structure of this polysaccharide are known to impact fruit texture and rheological properties. I followed a multidisciplinary approach that integrated the study of physiological, genetic, and biochemical factors during ripening.In Chapter 1, I prepared a literature review that provides a synthesis and analysis of the current knowledge surrounding the genetics of key quality traits in processing tomatoes, which influence both product quality and production efficiency. While processing and fresh-market tomatoes share the same genome and many biochemical pathways, they have developed distinct phenotypes tailored to their specific market needs. This review highlights these differences and examines how these traits have been shaped through breeding and selection. Additionally, I identify critical areas where further research is needed to advance the field.
In Chapter 2, I investigated the combined effect on fruit quality and shelf-life of two important pectin-degrading enzymes: SlPG2a (Solyc10g080210 ) and SlPL(Solyc03g111690 ) by knocking them out simultaneously. Based on previous evidence, I hypothesized that these two genes work cooperatively. Therefore, their simultaneous knockout would reduce pectin breakdown, translating into significantly firmer fruit with a longer shelf-life. I first generated the double knockout CRISPR PGPL tomato line in the fresh-market AC variety. I evaluated the gene expression of both genes, and I then assessed different quality attributes such as firmness, color, sugar, volatiles, pH, and TA, as well as the fruit’s postharvest performance. I demonstrated that knocking out SlPG2a and SlPL together improves tomato shelf-life and firmness while maintaining other quality attributes. This work advances our current understanding of plant science as it presents an alternative way to extend tomato fruit shelf-life and reduce fruit waste without hindering consumer-based fruit quality attributes as traditional breeding does.
Lastly, in Chapter 3, I aimed to elucidate the major genes or biological processes that influence tomato juice consistency. I studied 11 commercial processing varieties grown under different conditions across California. I first characterized fruit physiological attributes and juice consistency of all lines. I also evaluated the sugar content of water-soluble pectins to gather further information about pectin composition in the fruit and juice. I then performed a whole-genome transcriptome analysis on the 11 lines at the turning and red-ripe ripening stages. I ran a WGCNA using the transcriptomic data to correlate gene expression patterns with the juice consistency data. Ultimately, I determined the expression patterns of the major genes involved in physiological processes during ripening, and I identified potential candidate genes that could be driving consistency, including some related to pectin depolymerization.
The results of this dissertation offer valuable information to guide breeding strategies aimed at improving tomato texture, extending fruit shelf-life, reducing decay, and enhancing the processing quality of tomato products. These findings could ultimately contribute to increased crop efficiency and profitability, particularly in California, the major producer of processing tomatoes in the world.