This dissertation uses controlled experiments to understand why people fall shortof making rational decisions in simple financial decision-making situations, how we can
restore rationality through simple interventions, and how providing people with substantial
opportunities to learn about their environment might lead them away from making
rational decisions.
In the first chapter, joint with Guangli Zhang, we study the sources of suboptimalallocations observed in credit card repayments using a diagnostic laboratory experiment.
We find that optimization ability and limited attention are jointly insufficient to explain
the puzzle. Moving beyond existing results, we find that the inherent negative frame
of the debt payment problem interferes with subjects’ ability to optimize and hinders
learning. We show that subjects predominantly rely on the irrelevant balance information
while forming their decisions, regardless of how vividly the balance information is
displayed. Using additional treatments, we find that the debt frame increases subjects’
focus on the irrelevant balance information.
In the second chapter, joint with Guangli Zhang, we study what type of interventionswould be effective in eliminating simple arbitrage failures in repayments. We construct a
simple repayment environment in the laboratory and test the role of a set of behavioral
mechanisms that would directly inform the design of consumer protection policies. We
find that providing salient interest rate disclosure has no effect while disclosing the interest
rate in a fee format has modest effects. On the other hand, providing an opportunity to purchase automated financial advice reveals that subjects are predominantly aware of
their choice inefficiencies and are relatively good at gauging the extent of their mistakes
and using financial advice. Our results suggest that promoting and subsidizing consumer
financial technology applications that provide automated financial advice would be a
substantially more effective way of protecting consumers from simple arbitrage failures
than conventional disclosure policies.
In the final chapter, I study how people learn about their environment when theirsubjective understanding of the environment, their mental model, is misspecified. I use
people’s tendency to hold optimistic beliefs about their abilities to generate a significant
amount of model misspecification and investigate the implications of overconfidence as a
misspecified mental model on learning about own ability and a fundamental. Consistent
with the theoretical predictions, overconfident subjects develop pessimistic beliefs about
the fundamental and take growingly suboptimal actions. Inconsistent with the theoretical
predictions, I find endogenous feedback does not exacerbate the extent of suboptimal
behavior. Investigating how subjects learn about their own ability reveals that abundant
feedback ”weakens” misspecified mental models. The ”weakening” of mental models is
more pronounced with endogenous feedback and explains why endogenous feedback may
not exacerbate the extent of suboptimal behavior.