Natural language is replete with figurative expressions like
my lawyer is a shark, and listeners are expected to intuitively
understand the intended, rather than the literal, meaning of
such expressions. But what cognitive resources are involved
in attaining meaning for such sentences? Most research into
metaphor comprehension has employed offline reading tasks
that provide no insight into the time-course of metaphor
processing. In order to investigate the moment-by-moment
on-line processes involved in metaphor comprehension, the
present study used a naturalistic cross-modal lexical decision
paradigm (Swinney, 1979) with novel brief masked target
presentations during and after the vehicle word (shark).
Results obtained from a preliminary sample demonstrated
priming of related target words across conditions, but no
significant differences between conditions. These results may
best be interpreted as supporting an exhaustive-access account
of metaphor interpretation, which suggests that literal and
metaphorical interpretations are simultaneously accessed
during the early stages of metaphor/simile interpretation.