This report is a compilation of known radiocarbon dates reported from archaeological sites in southern Idaho. Its purpose is to provide an inventory of previously published and unpublished dates to facilitate use by researchers and cultural resource managers. Contemporary professional demands have created a surge of antiquities management and assessment studies which are quickly outpacing traditional research reports. Management decisions often rely on outdated chronologies which have not been critically evaluated. In addition, many radiocarbon dates are not readily available to scholars working in Idaho and adjacent areas. As systematic archaeological studies continue in Idaho, the need for usable research tools has increased (e.g., Pavesic, Plew, and Sprague 1979). The report attempts to expand the base of current archaeological interpretation and analysis. While the report does not evaluate individual published dates (e.g., Arundale 1981), it does provide an initial step toward reevaluation of the chronologies of the Upper Snake and Salmon River Country (Butler 1978) and forms a basis for generating chronologies for such areas as Southwestern Idaho (Plew, Pavesic, and Green n.d.).