Contents Summary 87 I. Introduction 87 II. Evolution in action: subgenome dominance within newly formed hybrids and polyploids 88 III. Summary and future directions 90 Acknowledgements 92 References 92 SUMMARY: The merger of divergent genomes, via hybridization or allopolyploidization, frequently results in a 'genomic shock' that induces a series of rapid genetic and epigenetic modifications as a result of conflicts between parental genomes. This conflict among the subgenomes routinely leads one subgenome to become dominant over the other subgenome(s), resulting in subgenome biases in gene content and expression. Recent advances in methods to analyze hybrid and polyploid genomes with comparisons to extant parental progenitors have allowed for major strides in understanding the mechanistic basis for subgenome dominance. In particular, our understanding of the role that homoeologous exchange might play in subgenome dominance and genome evolution is quickly growing. Here we describe recent discoveries uncovering the underlying mechanisms and provide a framework to predict subgenome dominance in hybrids and allopolyploids with far-reaching implications for agricultural, ecological, and evolutionary research.