Praise is not only rewarding but also informative. It allows
us to learn about our skills and competence even when we
are uncertain or unable to judge for ourselves. Not all praise
is equally meaningful, however: Praise from someone who
praises indiscriminately is less informative than from some-
one who praises selectively. Here we ask whether young chil-
dren infer the informativeness of others’ praise based on the
statistical dependence between praise and the quality of work.
Exp. 1 shows that adults and 4-5 year-olds were more likely to
trust praise from a teacher whose previous praise covaried with
the quality of work (i.e., selective praise) than praise from a
teacher who indiscriminately praised independent of the qual-
ity of work (i.e., overpraise). Exp. 2 addressed the possibility
that participants simply prefer a teacher who praises less often.
Even for young children, praise is more than something nice.
Rather, they can track the informativeness of others’ evalua-
tive feedback and use it to learn about the quality of their own