Infants are powerful learners. A large corpus of experimental
paradigms demonstrate that infants readily learn distributional
cues of name-object co-occurrences. But infants’ natural
learning environment is cluttered: every heard word has
multiple competing referents in view. Here we ask how infants
start learning name-object co-occurrences in naturalistic
learning environments that are cluttered and where there is
much visual ambiguity. The framework presented in this paper
integrates a naturalistic behavioral study and an application of
a machine learning model. Our behavioral findings suggest
that in order to start learning object names, infants and their
parents consistently select a set of a few objects to play with
during a set amount of time. What emerges is a frequency
distribution of a few toys that approximates a Zipfian
frequency distribution of objects for learning. We find that a
machine learning model trained with a Zipf-like distribution of
these object images outperformed the model trained with a
uniform distribution. Overall, these findings suggest that to
overcome referential ambiguity in clutter, infants may be
selecting just a few toys allowing them to learn many
distributional cues about a few name-object pairs.