Two central objects in constructive approximation, the Christoffel-Darboux
kernel and the Christoffel function, are encoding ample information about the
associated moment data and ultimately about the possible generating measures.
We develop a multivariate theory of the Christoffel-Darboux kernel in C^d, with
emphasis on the perturbation of Christoffel functions and their level sets with
respect to perturbations of small norm or low rank. The statistical notion of
leverage score provides a quantitative criterion for the detection of outliers
in large data. Using the refined theory of Bergman orthogonal polynomials, we
illustrate the main results, including some numerical simulations, in the case
of finite atomic perturbations of area measure of a 2D region. Methods of
function theory of a complex variable and (pluri)potential theory are widely
used in the derivation of our perturbation formulas.