In spliceosome assembly, the 5 splice site is initially recognized by U1 snRNA. U1 leaves the spliceosome during the assembly process, therefore other factors contribute to the maintenance of 5 splice site identity as it is loaded into the catalytic site. Recent structural data suggest that human tri-snRNP 27K (SNRP27) M141 and SNU66 H734 interact to stabilize the U4/U6 quasi-pseudo knot at the base of the U6 snRNA ACAGAGA box in pre-B complex. Previously, we found that mutations in Caenorhabditis elegans at SNRP-27 M141 promote changes in alternative 5ss usage. We tested whether the potential interaction between SNRP-27 M141 and SNU-66 H765 (the C. elegans equivalent position to human SNU66 H734) contributes to maintaining 5 splice site identity during spliceosome assembly. We find that SNU-66 H765 mutants promote alternative 5 splice site usage. Many of the alternative 5 splicing events affected by SNU-66(H765G) overlap with those affected SNRP-27(M141T). Double mutants of snrp-27(M141T) and snu-66(H765G) are homozygous lethal. We hypothesize that mutations at either SNRP-27 M141 or SNU-66 H765 allow the spliceosome to load alternative 5 splice sites into the active site. Tests with mutant U1 snRNA and swapped 5 splice sites indicate that the ability of SNRP-27 M141 and SNU-66 H765 mutants to affect a particular 5 splice alternative splicing event is dependent on both the presence of a weaker consensus 5ss nearby and potentially nearby splicing factor binding sites. Our findings confirm a new role for the C terminus of SNU-66 in maintenance of 5 splice site identity during spliceosome assembly.