The interaction between a viscous fluid and an elastic solid is modeled by a system
of parabolic and hyperbolic equations, coupled to one another along the moving material
interface through the continuity of the velocity and traction vectors. We prove the
existence and uniqueness (locally in time) of strong solutions in Sobolev spaces for
quasilinear elastodynamics coupled to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations along a
moving interface. Unlike our approach for the case of linear elastodynamics, we cannot
employ a fixed-point argument on the nonlinear system itself, and are instead forced to
regularize it by a particular parabolic artificial viscosity term. We proceed to show that
with this specific regularization, we obtain a time interval of existence which is
independent of the artificial viscosity; together with a priori estimates, we identify the
global solution (in both phases), as well as the interface motion, as a weak limit in srong
norms of our sequence of regularized problems.