Silicon-photonics (SiPh) has emerged as a viable solution to handle exponentially growing
data trac in today's data centers. It transfers data faster and over a distance longer than
that possible with traditional electronics, while leveraging eciency and cost benets of existing
high-volume CMOS manufacturing infrastructure. As the SiPh platforms mature, new
high-performance photonics blocks integrated close to CMOS transistors are made available.
By moving certain functionality to these optical blocks, the performance of conventional
analog mixed-signal circuits can be improved to enable exciting new integrated applications
like LiDAR, biosensing, high-performance computing, etc.
This thesis demonstrates an optical SiPh link with a reduced laser power requirement
and an optically sampled analog-to-digital converter. Both of these systems benet from the
availability of integrated SiPh blocks next to CMOS transistors. The laser power used by
a SiPh link can be reduced by improving the optical receiver (Rx) sensitivity and reducing
the optical path loss. To improve the Rx sensitivity, a dierential detector is monolithically
integrated with the low-noise CMOS analog frontend (AFE), while the optical path loss is
reduced by adopting a laser-forwarded architecture. The dierential detector enables the
fully dierential operation of AFE to suppress power supply and common-mode noise. Measurement
and performance comparison of two variants of dierential detector implemented
on two test-chips is presented. The proposed microring resonator dierential detector enables
the receiver to achieve a record OMA sensitivity of -18 dBm at 12 Gb/s. Modeling
and characterization of this detector are also covered in this thesis. Further, a coherent
laser-forwarded binary-phase-shift-keying (BPSK) link at 10 Gb/s is shown with all the required
photonic blocks, like phase modulator, 3-dB coupler, and balanced detectors, fully
integrated into a monolithic zero-change 45nm SOI CMOS. This link operates with 3 dB less
laser power than state-of-the-art NRZ monolithic SiPh links.
Lastly, the performance of conventional CMOS ADCs is often limited by sampling clockjitter,
input sampling bandwidth, and routing of input and clock to the sub-ADCs. To
overcome these limitations, this thesis demonstrates an optically sampled ADC that moves the sampling function to the optical domain where ultra low-jitter (<10 fsrms) optical pulses
from a mode-locked laser sample an RF input signal with very high sampling bandwidth. An
ADC prototype, realized in a 3D integrated silicon-photonic platform, achieves 37 dB SNDR
(6b ENOB) for 45GHz input with <36fs estimated sampling jitter. Circuit techniques used
for overcoming issues like single-ended to dierential conversion and cross-talk are described
in detail.