- Chlachidze, Guram;
- Ambrosio, Giorgio;
- Anerella, Michael;
- Bossert, Rodger;
- Cavanna, Eugenio;
- Cheng, Daniel W;
- Dietderich, Daniel R;
- DiMarco, Joseph;
- Felice, Helene;
- Ferracin, Paolo;
- Ghosh, Arup K;
- Grosclaude, Philippe;
- Guinchard, Michael;
- Hafalia, AR;
- Holik, Eddie Frank;
- Bermudez, Susana Izquierdo;
- Krave, Steven T;
- Marchevsky, Maxim;
- Nobrega, Alfred;
- Orris, Darryl;
- Pan, Heng;
- Perez, Juan Carlos;
- Prestemon, Soren;
- Ravaioli, Emmanuele;
- Sabbi, GianLuca;
- Salmi, Tiina;
- Schmalzle, Jesse;
- Stoynev, Stoyan Emilove;
- Strauss, Thomas;
- Sylvester, Cosmore;
- Tartaglia, Michael;
- Todesco, Ezio;
- Vallone, Giorgio;
- Velev, Gueorgui;
- Wanderer, Peter;
- Wang, Xiaorong;
- Yu, Miao
The U.S. LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP) and CERN combined their efforts in developing Nb3Sn magnets for the high-luminosity LHC upgrade. The ultimate goal of this collaboration is to fabricate large aperture Nb 3Sn quadrupoles for the LHC interaction regions. These magnets will replace the present 70-mm-Aperture NbTi quadrupole triplets for expected increase of the LHC peak luminosity up to 5 × 1034 cm-2s-1 or more. Over the past decade, LARP successfully fabricated and tested short and long models of 90 and 120-mm-Aperture Nb3Sn quadrupoles. Recently, the first short model of 150-mm-diameter quadrupole MQXFS was built with coils fabricated both by LARP and CERN. The magnet performance was tested at Fermilab's vertical magnet test facility. This paper reports the test results, including the quench training at 1.9 K, ramp rate and temperature dependence, as well as protection heater studies.