The WI+RE team recently had a book chapter (title above) accepted in the ACRL published book "Teaching Critical Reading Skills: Strategies for Academic Librarians". Our book chapter explores three WI+RE projects: the Reading Strategies Playlist - a bank of videos that outline general tips for reading and comprehending informational content efficiently and effectively, the Breaking Down Academic Articles webcomic - focuses on reading strategies that help learners identify and understand the essential components of academic articles, and C.R.E.A.T.E.S - an interactive website highlighting a six-step approach for comprehending and analyzing scientific papers. By highlighting these online learning resources, and the process through which they were created, we outline the cross-applicability of learner centered design in creating responsive, community-oriented instruction in general. We will advocate for WI+RE’s learner-centered design process by outlining how it informed three unique resources geared towards student reading, specifically critical and analytical reading skills acquisition and reading different source types.