Design, fabrication and experimental characterization of the performance of a molten salt (MS)-to-supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) heat exchanger (HE) for concentrating solar power (CSP) applications using laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) additive manufacturing (AM) of nickel-based superalloys is presented in this work. The hypothesis is that such additively manufactured HEs will result in a monolithic, compact, low-pressure drop HE that is durable under cyclic operation at high temperature and high pressure in a corrosive salt environment, making them suitable to withstand the stringent operating conditions of the US Department of Energy’s Generation 3 technologies roadmap for concentrating solar power systems.The primary heat exchanger (PHE) is designed to handle temperatures up to 720 oC on the MS side and an internal pressure of 200 bar on the sCO2 side. Two designs (generation 1 and 2) of the heat exchanger were developed by a co-design effort considering mechanical stresses, thermal and fluidic performance, and AM fabrication constraints such as overhangs, powder removal, and build dimensions. Additional design considerations included creep, fatigue, and thermal stresses. Two Nickel-based superalloys were originally considered to manufacture the PHE- Haynes 230 (H230: 57% Nickel, 22% Chromium, 14% Tungsten, 2% Molybdenum) and Haynes 282 (H282: 57% Nickel, 20% Chromium, 10% Cobalt, 8.5% Molybdenum, 2% Titanium). Ultimately, Haynes 282 was down selected for the HE fabrication based on its better dimensional tolerance, better corrosion resistance to chloride salt, and higher creep strength.
An experimentally-validated, correlation-based sectional PHE core thermofluidic model is developed to study the impact of flow and geometrical parameters on the PHE performance, with varied parameters including the mass flow rate, surface roughness, and PHE dimensions. The model results show that a heat exchanger with a power density of 16 MW/m3 (including sCO2 header volume) and effectiveness of 0.93 can be achieved at a heat capacity rate ratio of 0.83.
To experimentally demonstrate the performance of the HE, a 20 pair unit was built and characterized using heated air as a surrogate to the chloride salt on the hot side and sCO2 in the 100-200 bar range was used on the cold side. The results of exit temperatures and heat transfer rate were compared against the model. The model was able to predict experimental results within 1.00% percent for heat transfer rate, 1.26% percent for exit sCO2 temperature, and 1.01% percent for exit air temperature. The validated HE model was used to determine the performance of a scaled-up design. With a 20 cm tall build that covers 24 cm x 24 cm of the build plate, a 167.5 kW HE can be built in a single laser machine with a bed size of 25 cm x 25 cm. The impact of system-level variations in inlet temperature on the performance of this HE was established.