A model of an SU-8 neural probe electrode containing both an embedded fluid channel for fluid delivery and nerve stimulation and recording abilities was created using COMSOL software. A mechanical model of the neural probe electrode was simulated using COMSOL while varying several design parameters in order to better optimize the physical design of the electrode. It was found that the thickness of the neural probe should be from 0.35 mm to 0.5 mm, as the effects of increasing thickness beyond 0.5 mm on maximum stress were not very significant. Additionally, the ideal length of the neural probe was found to be between 4.5 and 5.5 mm to minimize stresses in the neural probe. The ability of the neural probe device to record electrical signals was tested in biological tissue, specifically in frog nerves, using LabVIEW software and myDAQ hardware as well as a device designed for electrophysiology experiments called a "SpikerBox." Compound action potential signals from exposed frog nerves were successfully recorded using the neural probes and the SpikerBox device.