When speakers gesture, their gestures shape their thoughts,
but how this happens remains unclear. What kinds of
feedback from gesture—visual, proprioceptive, or both—
drive these cognitive effects? Here we address this question
using a test bed previously employed to explore gesture’s
cognitive effects (Beilock & Goldin-Meadow, 2010).
Participants solved the Tower of Hanoi puzzle, explained
their solutions in speech and gesture, and solved the puzzle a
second time. Previous studies using this paradigm have
demonstrated that the gestures participants produce during the
explanation phase affect their ability to solve the problem the
second time. Unlike these prior studies, however, participants
in the present study were blocked from seeing their hands
while they gestured. Despite this absence of visual feedback,
our results replicate previous studies in which visual feedback
was available. These findings suggest that gesture may shape
thought through proprioceptive feedback alone.