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Scholarly Works (1 results)
Peer Reviewed
A resource of targeted mutant mouse lines for 5,061 genes
Birling, Marie-Christine
Yoshiki, Atsushi
Adams, David J
Ayabe, Shinya
Beaudet, Arthur L
Bottomley, Joanna
Bradley, Allan
Brown, Steve DM
Bürger, Antje
Bushell, Wendy
Chiani, Francesco
Chin, Hsian-Jean Genie
Christou, Skevoulla
Codner, Gemma F
DeMayo, Francesco J
Dickinson, Mary E
Doe, Brendan
Donahue, Leah Rae
Fray, Martin D
Gambadoro, Alessia
Gao, Xiang
Gertsenstein, Marina
Gomez-Segura, Alba
Goodwin, Leslie O
Heaney, Jason D
Hérault, Yann
de Angelis, Martin Hrabe
Jiang, Si-Tse
Justice, Monica J
Kasparek, Petr
King, Ruairidh E
Kühn, Ralf
Lee, Ho
Lee, Young Jae
Liu, Zhiwei
Lloyd, KC Kent
Lorenzo, Isabel
Mallon, Ann-Marie
McKerlie, Colin
Meehan, Terrence F
Fuentes, Violeta Munoz
Newman, Stuart
Nutter, Lauryl MJ
Oh, Goo Taeg
Pavlovic, Guillaume
Ramirez-Solis, Ramiro
Rosen, Barry
Ryder, Edward J
Santos, Luis A
Schick, Joel
Seavitt, John R
Sedlacek, Radislav
Seisenberger, Claudia
Seong, Je Kyung
Skarnes, William C
Sorg, Tania
Steel, Karen P
Tamura, Masaru
Tocchini-Valentini, Glauco P
Wang, Chi-Kuang Leo
Wardle-Jones, Hannah
Wattenhofer-Donzé, Marie
Wells, Sara
Wiles, Michael V
Willis, Brandon J
Wood, Joshua A
Wurst, Wolfgang
Xu, Ying
Teboul, Lydia
Murray, Stephen A
UC Davis Previously Published Works
The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium reports the generation of new mouse mutant strains for over 5,000 genes, including 2,850 novel null, 2,987 novel conditional- ready, and 4,433 novel reporter alleles.