What follows is a collection of short poetic fiction exploring the edges of reality and our place within those bounds. I show characters dealing with the strangeness of technological society, especially as it bumps uncomfortably against their own particular sociocultural and evolutionary histories.The first story “Good Soldier” follows a character who only manages to find acceptance in the anonymous, racist world of the deep internet. In the process he witnesses the Christchurch mosque shootings as they are livestreamed, which deeply affects him.
“My Idealistic Vision of My Future Self” takes the form of a high school assignment in which the student reflects on where he thinks he might end up after college. He is naïve and hopeful in a sweet way.
Poems then capture awe for the universe, from the biggest objects we can see and two of humanity’s most ambitious creations, down to the love for a deceased cat and the minor annoyances of traffic, as well as the black hole-like qualities of gaming addiction and procrastination.
“Autobiographical Incident” again takes the form of a high school assignment in which the same student as in “My Idealistic Vision of My Future Self” struggles with his feelings of competence and self-worth after losing to his rival in an archery competition.
“Carrots” is a story that explores the value of sentimentality to someone who struggles to appreciate the value of emotions. He loses a beloved object and learns lessons in the process.
Finally, “Reality Journal” shows a character trying to capture his dreams in a journal with all their sinister undertones and implications for his waking life.