In this study, we tested the effectiveness of a computer-based
persuasive dialogue system designed to promote a plant-based
diet. The production and consumption of meat and dairy has
been shown to be a major cause of climate change and a
threat to public health, bio-diversity, animal rights and human
rights. A system promoting plant-based diets was developed,
comprising conversational, motivational and argumentational
elements. 280 participants were randomly assigned to one of
four conditions, each representing a particular combination of
motivational and argumentational modules. Male participants
showed higher intention scores in the motivational conditions
compared to the argumentation-only or control condition.
Female participants scored higher overall, unaffected by
condition. These results suggest that men and women are
differentially sensitive to persuasive strategies regarding the
adoption of a plant-based diet. It seems to be particularly
worthwhile to use motivational - as opposed to merely
argumentational - elements in a persuasive conversation