Three experiments were conducted to study relative contributions of speaking rate, temporal envelope, and temporal fine structure to clear speech perception. Experiment I used uniform time scaling to match the speaking rate between clear and conversational speech. Experiment II decreased the speaking rate in conversational speech without processing artifacts by increasing silent gaps between phonetic segments. Experiment III created "auditory chimeras" by mixing the temporal envelope of clear speech with the fine structure of conversational speech, and vice versa. Speech intelligibility in normal-hearing listeners was measured over a wide range of signal-to-noise ratios to derive speech reception thresholds (SRT). The results showed that processing artifacts in uniform time scaling, particularly time compression, reduced speech intelligibility. Inserting gaps in conversational speech improved the SRT by 1.3 dB, but this improvement might be a result of increased short-term signal-to-noise ratios during level normalization. Data from auditory chimeras indicated that the temporal envelope cue contributed more to the clear speech advantage at high signal-to-noise ratios, whereas the temporal fine structure cue contributed more at low signal-to-noise ratios. Taken together, these results suggest that acoustic cues for the clear speech advantage are multiple and distributed. (c) 2006 Acoustical Society of America.
Purpose: Speech perception in participants with auditory neuropathy (AN) was systematically studied to answer the following 2 questions: Does noise present a particular problem for people with AN? Can clear speech and cochlear implants alleviate this problem? Method: The researchers evaluated the advantage in intelligibility of clear speech over conversational speech in 13 participants with AN. Of these participants, 7 had received a cochlear implant. Eight sentence-recognition experiments were conducted to examine the clear speech advantage in 2 listening conditions (quiet and noise) using 4 stimulation modes (monaural acoustic, diotic acoustic, monaural electric, and binaurally combined acoustic and electric stimulation). Results: Participants with AN performed more poorly in speech recognition in noise than did the normal-hearing, cochlear-impaired, and cochlear implant controls. A significant clear speech advantage was observed, ranging from 9 to 23 percentage points in intelligibility for all listening conditions and stimulation modes. Electric stimulation via a cochlear implant produced significantly higher intelligibility than acoustic stimulation in both quiet and in noise. Binaural hearing with either diotic acoustic stimulation or combined acoustic and electric stimulation produced significantly higher intelligibility than monaural stimulation in quiet but not in noise. Conclusions: Participants with AN most likely derive the clear speech advantage from enhanced temporal properties in clear speech and improved neural synchrony with electric stimulation. Although the present result supports cochlear implantation as one treatment choice for people with AN, it suggests that the use of innovative hearing aids may be another viable option to improve speech perception in noise.
Natural spoken language processing includes not, only speech recognition but also identification of the speaker's gender, age, emotional, and social status. Our purpose in this study is to evaluate whether temporal cues are sufficient to support both speech and speaker recognition. Ten cochlear-implant and six normal-hearing subjects were presented with vowel tokens spoken by three men, three women, two boys, and two girls. In one condition, the subject was asked to recognize the vowel. In the other condition, the subject was asked to identify the speaker. Extensive training was provided for the speaker recognition task. Normal-hearing subjects achieved nearly perfect performance in both tasks. Cochlear-implant subjects achieved good performance in vowel recognition but poor performance in speaker recognition. The level of the cochlear implant performance was functionally equivalent to normal performance with eight spectral bands for vowel recognition but only to one band for speaker recognition. These results show a disassociation between speech and speaker recognition with primarily temporal cues, highlighting the limitation of current speech processing strategies in cochlear implants. Several methods, including explicit encoding of fundamental frequency and frequency modulation, are proposed to improve speaker recognition for current cochlear implant users. (C) 2005 Acoustical Society of America.
Hearing aids and cochlear implants are two major hearing enhancement technologies but yet share little in research and development. The purpose of this study was to determine whether hearing aid directional microphones and noise reduction technologies could enhance cochlear implant users' speech understanding and ease of listening. Digital hearing aids serving as preprocessors were programmed to omni-directional microphone, directional microphone, and directional microphone plus noise reduction conditions. Three groups of subjects were tested with the hearing aid processed speech stimuli. Results indicated that hearing aids with directional microphones and noise reduction algorithms significantly enhanced speech understanding and listening comfort. (C) 2004 Acoustical Society of America.
The present study aimed to examine the effect of noise on vowel-like suprathreshold discrimination in cochlear-implant listeners. The task was to detect an increment in level at the middle harmonic (400 Hz) in the background of a seven-harmonic complex from 100 to 700 Hz in 100-Hz steps. The task was performed in the absence (control) and presence of a white noise presented over a 20-35-dB range from inaudible to loud. The present result shows that discrimination of suprathreshold harmonic stimuli was significantly enhanced, particularly at the soft signal level, with suprathreshold noise. This result suggests that tuning of the noise level is required to optimize performance of different tasks in cochlear implants. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Frequency modulation (FM) detection was investigated in acoustic and electric hearing to characterize cochlear-implant subjects' ability to detect dynamic frequency changes and to assess the relative contributions of temporal and spectral cues to frequency processing. Difference limens were measured for frequency upward sweeps, downward sweeps, and sinusoidal FM as a function of standard frequency and modulation rate. In electric hearing, factors including electrode position and stimulation level were also studied. Electric hearing data showed that the difference limen increased monotonically as a function of standard frequency regardless of the modulation type, the modulation rate. the electrode position, and the stimulation level. In contrast, acoustic hearing data showed that the difference limen was nearly a constant as a function of standard frequency. This difference was interpreted to mean that temporal cues are used only at low standard frequencies and at low modulation rates. At higher standard frequencies and modulation rates, the reliance on the place cue is increased, accounting for the better performance in acoustic hearing than for electric hearing with single-electrode stimulation. The present data suggest a speech processing strategy that encodes slow frequency changes using lower stimulation rates than those typically employed by contemporary cochlear-implant speech processors. (C) 2004 Acoustical Society of America.
When instructed to speak clearly for people with hearing loss, a talker can effectively enhance the intelligibility of his/her speech by producing "clear" speech. We analyzed global acoustic properties of clear and conversational speech from two talkers and measured their speech intelligibility over a wide range of signal-to-noise ratios in acoustic and electric hearing. Consistent with previous studies, we, found that clear speech had a slower overall rate, higher temporal amplitude modulations, and also produced higher intelligibility than conversational speech. To delineate the role of temporal amplitude modulations in clear speech, we extracted the temporal envelope from a number of frequency bands and replaced speech fine-structure with noise fine-structure to simulate cochlear implants. Although both simulated and actual cochlear-implant listeners required higher signal-to-noise ratios to achieve normal performance, a 3-4 dB difference in speech reception threshold was preserved between clear and conversational speech for all experimental conditions. These results suggest that while temporal fine structure is important for speech recognition in noise in general, the temporal envelope carries acoustic cues that contribute to the clear speech intelligibility advantage. (C) 2004 Acoustical Society of America.
One reason for the poor pitch performance in current cochlear-implant users may be the highly synchronized neural firing in electric hearing that lacks stochastic properties of neural firing in normal acoustic hearing. This study used three different electric stimulation patterns, jittered, probabilistic, and auditory-model-generated pulses, to mimic some aspects of the normal neural firing pattern in acoustic hearing. Pitch discrimination was measured at standard frequencies of 100, 250, 500, and 1000 Hz on three Nucleus-24 cochlear-implant users. To test the utility of the autocorrelation pitch perception model in electric hearing, one, two, and four electrodes were stimulated independently with the same patterned electric stimulation. Results showed no improvement in performance with any experimental pattern compared to the fixed-rate control. Pitch discrimination was actually worsened with the jittered pattern at low frequencies (125 and 250 Hz) than that of the control, suggesting that externally introduced stochastic properties do not improve pitch perception in electric stimulation. The multiple-electrode stimulation did not improve performance but did not degrade performance either. The present results suggest that both "the right time and the right place" may be needed to restore normal pitch perception in cochlear-implant users. (c) 2005 Acoustical Society of America.
Although cochlear implant (CI) users have enjoyed good speech recognition in quiet, they still have difficulties understanding speech in noise. We conducted three experiments to determine whether a directional microphone and an adaptive multichannel noise reduction algorithm could enhance Cl performance in noise and whether Speech Transmission Index (STI) can be used to predict CI performance in various acoustic and signal processing conditions. In Experiment 1, CI users listened to speech in noise processed by 4 hearing aid settings: omni-directional microphone, omni-directional microphone plus noise reduction, directional microphone, and directional microphone plus noise reduction. The directional microphone significantly improved speech recognition in noise. Both directional microphone and noise reduction algorithm improved overall. preference. In Experiment 11, normal hearing individuals listened to the recorded speech produced by 4- or 8-channel CI simulations. The 8-channel simulation yielded similar speech recognition results as in Experiment 1, whereas the 4-channel simulation produced no significant difference among the 4 settings. In Experiment III, we examined the relationship between STIs and speech recognition. The results suggested that STI could predict actual and simulated Cl speech intelligibility with acoustic degradation and the directional microphone, but not the noise reduction algorithm. Implications for intelligibility enhancement are discussed. (c) 2006 Acoustical Society of America.
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