It is often assumed that the socio-cultural context positively
influences mindreading performances. Among the available
theories, mindshaping is proposed to consist of cultural
mechanisms that make the social domain homogeneous and,
hence, easier to interpret. Proponents of the mindshaping
hypothesis claim that homogeneity is responsible for the
computational tractability of mindreading, which is otherwise
intractable. In this paper, we examine this core claim of
mindshaping and investigate how homogeneity influences
mindreading tractability. By taking action understanding as a
case-study for mindreading, we formally operationalize
mindshaping homogeneity in different ways with the goal of
bridging the gap between informal claims and formal
(in)tractability results. The analysis shows that only specific
combinations of homogeneity may lead to tractable
mindreading, whilst others do not. Additionally, the analysis
reveals the possibility of a yet undiscovered mindshaping