PURPOSE: Accurate and rapid needle localization on 3D magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is critical for MRI-guided percutaneous interventions. The current workflow requires manual needle localization on 3D MRI, which is time-consuming and cumbersome. Automatic methods using 2D deep learning networks for needle segmentation require manual image plane localization, while 3D networks are challenged by the need for sufficient training datasets. This work aimed to develop an automatic deep learning-based pipeline for accurate and rapid 3D needle localization on in vivo intra-procedural 3D MRI using a limited training dataset. METHODS: The proposed automatic pipeline adopted Shifted Window (Swin) Transformers and employed a coarse-to-fine segmentation strategy: (1) initial 3D needle feature segmentation with 3D Swin UNEt TRansfomer (UNETR); (2) generation of a 2D reformatted image containing the needle feature; (3) fine 2D needle feature segmentation with 2D Swin Transformer and calculation of 3D needle tip position and axis orientation. Pre-training and data augmentation were performed to improve network training. The pipeline was evaluated via cross-validation with 49 in vivo intra-procedural 3D MR images from preclinical pig experiments. The needle tip and axis localization errors were compared with human intra-reader variation using the Wilcoxon signed rank test, with p < 0.05 considered significant. RESULTS: The average end-to-end computational time for the pipeline was 6 s per 3D volume. The median Dice scores of the 3D Swin UNETR and 2D Swin Transformer in the pipeline were 0.80 and 0.93, respectively. The median 3D needle tip and axis localization errors were 1.48 mm (1.09 pixels) and 0.98°, respectively. Needle tip localization errors were significantly smaller than human intra-reader variation (median 1.70 mm; p < 0.01). CONCLUSION: The proposed automatic pipeline achieved rapid pixel-level 3D needle localization on intra-procedural 3D MRI without requiring a large 3D training dataset and has the potential to assist MRI-guided percutaneous interventions.