California boasts nine national parks that are home to a plethora of recreational, cultural, and professional opportunities. It is no surprise that national parks draw in millions of recreational and non-recreational trips from across the country and internationally, however how visitors choose to arrive at these federal lands is a major consideration for land management, policy, and infrastructure decisions. According to the National Park Service’s Visitor Use Statistics, an overwhelming majority of visitors arrive by automobile. Alternative transportation options to national parks in California may increase visitor diversity and encourage the modal shift away from car travel. Additionally, transportation infrastructure has the potential to take up more natural spaces in national parks as population growth and recreational popularity increases in the coming years. Roadway widening, repaving, and other disruptive events can have negative impacts on adjacent ecosystems and communities, as well as contribute to public health issues. In this report, the existing conditions of transit to national parks in California are examined in relation to census tract-level sociodemographic and origin-destination data to reveal the spatial distribution of visitor origins and gaps in national park accessibility. From an equity perspective, findings suggest that median household income is proportional to the network distance between a given trip origin and national park destination, and household vehicle access and race are strongly correlated with national park visitation. By examining the current transit network to national parks, select characteristics of park visitation, and demographics of these visitors, this research aims to reveal opportunities for expanded transit connectivity to California’s national parks. Recommendations are presented to provide guidance to decision makers in the realm of transportation access to recreational spaces.