Social dilemmas specify situations in which (local) egoistic
utility optimization prevents achieving the (global) common
good of a group. Tragically, in such dilemmas local optimization
also reduces the payoff for the individual optimizer.
Although social dilemmas essentially reflect inter-individual
contexts (conflicting interests, moral attitudes, etc.), innerindividual
dilemmas apparently share at least some structural
aspects with them: individual behavior can concern more
conflicting levels of optimization. For example, starting
additional academic projects with potentially positive ‘payoff’
may assume ‘more is more’. However, exogenous effects may
arise from optimizing local goals; further contributions may
incrementally reduce the quality of other contributions and
yield ‘more is less’. In three experiments we explore a oneperson
investment game about building hotels, reflecting a
social dilemma. The payoffs involve different optima for local
and global optimization. Results show that people can be
influenced by a default-strategy of ‘more is more’, even if it
is irrational.