AAPI Nexus: Policy, Practice and Community

Parent: Asian American Studies Center

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
98v037z2Asian Americans are People of Color, Too … Aren’t They? Cross-Racial Alliances and the Question of Asian American Political Identity456254315.5%
0k88z2brThe Changing Face of Pakistani Migration to the United Kingdom342303128.8%
0ng378k2Reframing the Asian American Wealth Narrative: An Examination of the Racial Wealth Gap in the National Asset Scorecard for Communities of Color Survey1904114921.6%
274005pbPainting the Whole Picture: Foreclosure Rates among Asian American Ethnic Groups in Orlando, Florida, and Phoenix, Arizona`1893815120.1%
0zv3c3brIncreasing Youth Financial Capability: A Subsample Analysis of Asian American and Pacific Islander Participants in the MyPath Savings Initiative1885113727.1%
5c07t9tkThe Future of Asian America in 2040182161668.8%
1gs2t6mkStructural Racism and Its Effects on Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders in the United States: Issues of Health Equity, Census Undercounting, and Voter Disenfranchisement1757110440.6%
21n9s189The Critical Moments of Immigrant Integration: A Research Brief of the Impact of Financial Education, Coaching, and Traditional Lending Models for Increasing Financial Capability14871414.7%
9zg3t1bgScrimping and Saving: A Report on Financial Access, Attitudes, and Behaviors of Low- and Moderate-Income Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders14181335.7%
37m7v4c1How Do Pacific Islanders Fare in U.S. Education? : A Look Inside Washington State Public Schools with a Focus on Samoans13391246.8%
1pk403dmIn the Hands of Students: The Charge of a Minority-Serving Institution Student Council at a Dual-Designated Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institution and Hispanic-Serving Institution129389129.5%
3kx8w3kzRights at Risk: South Asians in the Post-9/11 United States112417136.6%
0fb4f4gqCare during COVID-19: A Virtual Asian American and Pacific Islander Photovoice Project95445146.3%
0tq0b4vzPūpūkahi i Holomua: Moving Hawaiian Education for All Learners beyond the COVID Pandemic95316432.6%
54t7s27jAANAPISI Campus Challenges and Opportunities: Confronting COVID-19 and Inclusive Social Justice90395143.3%
4bh6w8n4The Importance of Critically Disaggregating Data: The Case of Southeast Asian American College Students87592867.8%
88404876Opportunities for Community-University Partnerships: Implementing a Service-Learning Research Model in Asian American Studies87662175.9%
1q00k9c4COVID-19 and the State of Health of Pacific Islanders in the U.S.86325437.2%
8b39j9ps“Asian Latinos” and the U.S. Census86622472.1%
29m1k84fCOVID-19, Asian American and Native American-Serving Institutions, and Minority-Serving Institutions: Examining Federal Funding from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act and the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act85265930.6%
00k54581Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders: Employment Issues in the United States83503360.2%
80n091jkNavigating Ethnic Hierarchies in Community-Academic Partnerships: A Case Study on Koreatown Community Politics82334940.2%
984981w2Asian American Workers and Unions: Current and Future Opportunities for Organizing Asian American and Pacific Islander Workers81186322.2%
48t229mhCultivating a Cultural Home Space: The Case of Little Tokyo’s Budokan of Los Angeles Project77512666.2%
8fb684chUnmasking an Invisible Community: Unique Influences on and Consequences of COVID-19 among South Asians in the United States76354146.1%
0jr4p4pdAligning Policy to the Mental Health Needs of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders74452960.8%
0cr9g758Chinese Translated IEPs: Do They Do More Harm than Good?73472664.4%
5w99q400Community-based? Asian American Students, Parents, and Teachers in the Shifting Chinatowns of New York and Los Angeles73363749.3%
3nq3d9zsWho Are “Chinese” Speakers in the United States?: Examining Differences in Socioeconomic Outcomes and Language Identities72403255.6%
811040j6Support Networks, Ethnic Spaces, and Fictive Kin: Indian Immigrant Women Constructing Community in the United States72294340.3%
82h7v3h9From Merging Histories to Emerging Identities: An “Asian” Museum as a Site of Pan-ethnic Identity Promotion72452762.5%
3262b94cEngaging Vietnamese American Communities in California in Environmental Health and Awareness71383353.5%
6fg3k7vbNew Research on the Impact of Cultural Influences in Education on Native Hawaiian Student Outcomes70393155.7%
1qc7w05fNew Dimensions of Self-Employment among Asian Americans in Los Angeles and New York69383155.1%
1s38g0skServing the People in Long Beach, California: Advancing Justice for Southeast Asian Youth through Community University Research Partnerships69383155.1%
2fq9d171Asian Pacific American Senior Executives in the Federal Government69383155.1%
4rt4d7xwPin@y Educational PARtnerships: Ethnic Studies Students, Teachers and Leaders as Scholar Activists68274139.7%
7853t27xHealing in Community and Responding with Leadership: Addressing the Pandemic and Anti-Asian Hate through Community Service Learning68264238.2%
9200763kThe Bridge Program: A Model for Delivering Mental Health Services to Asian Americans through Primary Care68412760.3%
5hr6f3nwThe Local/Global Politics of Boston’s Viet-Vote67402759.7%
7b87r36fPraxis and Power in the Intersections of Education67353252.2%
0xf264gtModel Minority, Model for Whom?: An Investigation of Asian American Students in Science/Engineering66452168.2%
1rf58266Employment Discrimination and Asian Americans66145221.2%
95w5453vNative Hawaiians Getting Back to Mālama `Āina66392759.1%
12h3z0k5Ethnic Return Migration Policies and Asian American Labor in Japan and Korea64372757.8%
4wp021rpTurning the U.S. Tax Code from Upside Down to Right-Side Up Can Close the Racial Wealth Gap64392560.9%
7bb9p964The Challenges of Displaying “Asian American”: Curatorial Perspectives and Critical Approaches64362856.3%
1dj0x743Polling AAPI Voters63293446.0%
2vv030fzAsian American Nonprofit Organizations in U.S. Metropolitan Areas63382560.3%
5pj8084zAsian Americans and Redistricting: Empowering Through Electoral Boundaries63352855.6%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.