Submission Policies
ALON Submission Policies
All manuscripts are required to be non-simultaneous electronic submissions. Each essay submission should be between 10,000 to 11,000 words (or 2,500 to 3,000 words for review articles), excluding the footnotes and other printed matter. Manuscripts should follow the “notes and bibliography” system of the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition; however, ALON uses only footnotes—no endnotes or bibliography. No parenthetical citations within the text are allowed. All text, quotes, and footnotes must be double-spaced. Use 12-point font size, typed on 8.5- x 11-inch white document page, left justified, and with one-inch margins all around. Italicize book titles (no underline or boldface).
The essay should start with a title, followed by a 100-word abstract, the essay itself (with footnotes) and acknowledgements, if any, on the final page. Insert page numbers in the upper right-hand corner. Submitter’s name/s should not appear on any page of the submission. Submitters may cite their own work but should not use wording that reveals their identity as the manuscript’s author. Submissions must be submitted as a word-processing document (not a pdf). Submitters are expected to obtain permission to reproduce any copyrighted materials (e.g., photographs) used within the essay.
All artwork and other similar items (such as videos, audiotapes, recorded performances) are required to be non-simultaneous submissions and to not exceed 3 gigabytes. Submitter should submit a cover letter that specifies a title (if any) and a 100-word abstract. All references to the submitter should be removed from the entire submission. Submitters are expected to obtain permission to reproduce any copyrighted materials (e.g., photographs) used in their submission.
The Reflections or Forum section of Alon will provide a space for undergraduate students and nonacademic community members to publish works that will not be subject to conventional essay/art publication reviews. Such works may include a variety of materials such as short papers that reflect on current issues, transcripts of significant meetings or gatherings, conversation pieces or short opinion essays, poems, recordings, or artwork. Materials for this section will be moderated by Alon’s Outreach/Reflections Editor.
The editors reserve the right to determine the suitability of submissions. For additional information, please contact the editors.
See ALON Style Guide Notes for further details.