ANR Publications

Parent: UC Agriculture & Natural Resources

eScholarship stats: History by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-082024-072024-062024-05
84k1p8cjSwine - From the Animal's Point of View, 4: Pig Disease975214251210300
0vw7400hGroundwater Quality and Groundwater Pollution23962735252
1730p498Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) for Water Disinfection Monitoring, Control, and Documentation23165525262
1x3263pdBenefits of Plants to Humans and Urban Ecosystems19767723721
7419v4x5Adjusting Soil pH in California Gardens16943403254
6nf6b3x3Producing Blue Elderberry as a Hedgerow-Based Crop in California16436614126
5j71k2s6Forest Stewardship Series 26: Mapping Forest Features140297536
9dn6c0vkRapid User Guide: Postfire Grazing on California’s Intermountain Rangelands 1404457336
7q6522cjComparisons of Professional Development Approaches for Out-of-School Time Educators13939622810
0dm890zxBeef Cattle on California Annual Grasslands: Production Cycle and Economics13429613014
8tt622zfEstimating Nitrogen Availability in Organic Annual Production: For Nitrogen Budgeting and Other Purposes 1303555328
5z80w412Reducing the Vulnerability of Buildings to Wildfire: Vegetation and Landscaping Guidance12128374016
9zg5x8d0UC 4-H Volunteer Educators’ Guide: For Those Facilitating 4-H Educational Experiences 1203551304
7pd3s96fConsejos sobre la sequía: Recuperar los suelos salinos, sódicos y salino-sódicos10729183030
4mr3k244Understanding Your Residential Water Bill1012550197
5mm6m0qnCalifornia Naturalist Series: Natural History of the California Current10126362316
7935f28pDrought Tip: Managing Irrigated Pasture during Drought10035272810
2xg41968Sustainable Landscaping in California9726371519
8qh2p27xReady or Not: Planning for an Emergency974948
2fw1519dYouth Development through Veterinary Science, 6: Food In, Waste Out964233174
4vt8w5qkHome Survival in Wildfire-Prone Areas: Building Materials and Design Considerations9121251827
1xm1w425Damping-Off Diseases9022262715
07s161kwPoisonous Plants8931231025
0np2m87hBio-Security in 4-H Animal Science 1: Understanding Disease Transmission883329215
4jb4h813Establishing and Managing Irrigated Pasture for Horses88254968
8m47003zGarlic: Safe Methods to Store, Preserve, and Enjoy8638191811
0fx3b4mtBees in the Neighborhood: Best Practices for Urban Beekeepers8513321426
1t82z842Consejos sobre la sequía: Mantener las plantas del exterior vivas con poco agua8324182021
3ws975r5Nursery Guide for Diseases Caused by Phytophthora ramorum on Ornamentals: Diagnosis and Management.7932161813
5q08k5qdNatural History of the Central Coast Bioregion7824211815
64w9f3h4Photographic Guide to Citrus Fruit Scarring7612271621
1dh2z0d5Livestock Protection Tools for California Ranchers7318251119
6n12m6pnBuilding to Coexist with Fire: Community Risk Reduction Measures for New Development in California7319241515
0gc0r1n6Restoration Manual for Annual Grassland Systems in California7226251011
2m2719gmUsing the Pressure Chamber for Irrigation Management in Walnut, Almond and Prune70322297
1wp2j3m8Drought Tip: Supplemental Feeds for Cattle Operations during Drought693619113
30s4j9txGarbanzo Bean (Chickpea) Production in California69322476
7387w73xHerbicide Symptoms on Hemp693220116
8x74788jEgg Candling and Breakout Analysis692811921
4cb5376vLima Bean Production in California682321519
6qv87416Tried and True or Something New? Selected Citrus Varieties for the Home Gardener68292748
2wc7s0q1California Urban Agriculture Food Safety Guide: Laws and Standard Operating Procedures for Farming Safely in the City6723201311
5mk6s5t4Nutrition and Health Info Sheet: Calcium672322166
65k613pjFacts about Serpentine Rock and Soil Containing Asbestos in California6723201311
9zc2p18qWater Disinfection: A Practical Approach to Calculating Dose Values for Preharvest and Postharvest Applications641124722
05b9q7874-H Archery Project638241714
9gh0624qOranges: Safe Methods to Store, Preserve, and Enjoy622423411
04f9p7vvNuts: Safe Methods for Consumers to Handle, Store, and Enjoy612117167
06j4p8n9Swine - From the Animal's Point of View, 5: Pig Care and Responsibility602018175
7kt9s61cRangeland Management Series: Annual Range Forage Production601920138

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.