Open Access Policy Deposits

Parent: Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
1gb6j203Germany: Managing Migration in the 21st Century2479315437.7%
50t4t5j9Identifying the Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture2291755476.4%
6161d89hCosts of mandatory cannabis testing in California94138113.8%
3432z1pvEstimation of Supply and Demand Elasticities of California Commodities90276330.0%
9s14452dRemittances, Inequality and Poverty: Evidence from Rural Mexico90256527.8%
0s32q793Harnessing cross-border resources to confront climate change87107711.5%
3wc975kpEcotourism and Economic Growth in the Galapagos: An Island Economy-wide Analysis87355240.2%
6s27s2kbThe International Coffee Agreement: a tax on coffee producers and consumers?74185624.3%
59c8m4x6Efficient asset portfolios and the theory of normal backwardation73551875.3%
2nz4g2qrPaper Water, Wet Water, and the Recognition of Indigenous Property Rights65432266.2%
4b7295m9Agricultural Losses from Salinity in California’s Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta64214332.8%
99j0q0gxCalifornia wine industry evolving to compete in 21st century63243938.1%
83p4m8qnModeling shows that alternative soil management can decrease greenhouse gases61233837.7%
6wv4s6q4Managing Migration and Integration: Europe and the US595548.5%
8r43j239Methyl bromide alternatives evaluated59302950.8%
6m53d4ffPierce’s disease costs California $104 million per year58164227.6%
2z04g0n2Returns to University of California Pest Management Research and Extension: Overview and case studies Emphasizing IPM56312555.4%
2f50j1hcViewpoint: The future of work in agri-food54322259.3%
0xn739sxRealistic payments could encourage farmers to adopt practices that sequester carbon53312258.5%
51j0k8kvAgricultural Productivity Growth in China: Farm Level versus National Measurement53163730.2%
7wh6q054Economic impact of nature-based tourism53361767.9%
8ts8686pManaging water differently: Integrated Water Resources Management as a framework for adaptation to climate change in Mexico51252649.0%
7d48x9qcFutures market efficiency in the soybean complex50391178.0%
2cz0m3r9COVID‐19 through the lens of seasonal agriculture in South Asia49292059.2%
2xq4h4zdThe economics of managing Verticillium wilt, an imported disease in California lettuce49252451.0%
4v55d7gjHow Brazil Transferred Billions to Foreign Coffee Importers: The International Coffee Agreement, Rent Seeking and Export Tax Rebates49222744.9%
5zp5p62dARE Update Volume 16, Number 449292059.2%
30j3p1sgRetail cannabis prices in California through legalization, regulation and taxation48123625.0%
0kx6h1wqGenetic erosion in maize’s center of origin46321469.6%
2b17d6j4ARE Update, Volume 18, Number 1, Special Issue - Climate Change: Challenges to California's Agriculture and Natural resources46281860.9%
7k07b8n8Wine-grape production trends reflect evolving consumer demand over 30 years46222447.8%
00v0k24jU.S. agricultural university students' mental well‐being and resilience during the first wave of COVID‐19: Discordant expectations and experiences across genders45252055.6%
55f8z3bdEconomic Consequences of Mandated Grading and Food Safety Assurance: Ex Ante Analysis of the Federal Marketing Order45192642.2%
0434h70mNon-pecuniary Work Incentive and Labor Supply4483618.2%
3tb8d02nThe California Table Grape Commission's Promotion Program: An Evaluation44222250.0%
9qn2q596Environmental outcomes of the US Renewable Fuel Standard44311370.5%
9t94r3k5Correcting attrition bias using changes-in-changes4463813.6%
2hs7t92nCombining epidemiology and economics to assess control of a viral endemic animal disease: Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS)43321174.4%
3m598178Worker and Firm Determinants of Piece Rate Variation in an Agricultural Labor Market43232053.5%
5xq0f15fDoes Natural Resource Extraction Mitigate Poverty and Inequality? Evidence from Rural Mexico and a Lacandona Rainforest Community4393420.9%
1c20t580ARE Update Volume 9, Number 142311173.8%
1xk3344kOptimal Reserve and Export Policies for the California Almond Industry: Theory, Econometrics and Simulations42212150.0%
4s16w3mdSocial dimensions of fertility behavior and consumption patterns in the Anthropocene42301271.4%
0ws268bcModeling the effects of local climate change on crop acreage41142734.1%
2fs8x0hxARE Update Volume 19, Number 441192246.3%
3h49h1bcMechanisms for Addressing Third-Party Impacts Resulting from Voluntary Water Transfers41221953.7%
4fp7s3fxAgricultural and Resource Economics Update41301173.2%
7bg3j46fAgricultural and Resource Economics Update41291270.7%
9g83412nARE Update Volume 9, Number 641291270.7%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.