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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Submission Guidelines

Manuscripts that are original and have not been previously published elsewhere will be considered. Submissions must relate to spine surgery and may include: editorials, research papers, case studies, case reports, case presentations, photo vignettes, reviews, and original articles.


·             All work must be in English

·             All manuscripts must be formatted as follows:

o   Microsoft Word document with Times New Roman 12-point font

o   Double spaced

o   Title included at the top of the page

o   Does not include names of authors or institution where the study was performed.

·             Images/Tables/Videos

o   If images are included, they must be referenced.

o   If tables are included, they must have titles for all the columns.

·             References

o   References must be listed in the order that they appear in the text

o   Must follow Citation Guide of the American Medical Association:

o   Include reference numbers in Arabic numerals as a superscript after the period

·             What to include as a manuscript submission:

o   Title page, abstract, main text, references

§  Optional: Images, figures, tables, and graphs

o   Title page must include names of all authors and with their respective titles, institutions and departments.

o   If images containing a patient’s face are included, must also submit a waiver signed by the patient accepting potential publication and internet exposure.

·             There is no charge for submission or publication.