The MesoAmerican Research Center seeks to develop a broad understanding of the peoples, cultures, and environment of the greater Mesoamerican region of Mexico and Central America. Research of the center has emerged in the context of Anthropology, yet is wholly interdisciplinary in focus. The MesoAmerican Research Center continues to maintain its focus on the Maya forest and the interdisciplinary qualities of that region. The UCSB Maya Forest GIS database permits predictive modeling of ancient Maya settlement patterns and the comparison of the patterns with contemporary development in the region. The UCSB Maya forest GIS has now been archived in the Alexander Digital Library for access and availability worldwide. Collaborations established with Guatemala's protected areas management group CONAP, and with their counterpart in Belize have been maintained and enhanced. Continued research and development at El Pilar expanded with Help for Progress in Belize and Canan Kax in Guatemala.