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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC San Diego

UC San Diego Electronic Theses and Dissertations bannerUC San Diego

Amphibious Locomotion with a Screw-propelled Snake-like Robot


Robots that operate in natural environments encounter diverse terrains, ranging from solid ground to granular materials like sand and even full liquids. Various types of robots, including wheeled and legged robots, have been designed to excel in specific domains. Screw-based locomotion is a promising approach for multi-domain mobility, and has been leveraged for amphibious vehicle and robotic designs. Additionally, a snake-like architecture has led to extremely versatile exploratory robots. However, there is limited understanding of the models, parameter effects, and efficiency for multi-terrain Archimedes screw locomotion, and many snake-like robot still face certain limitations.

In this work, we present the design of a mobile test bed, a method to quantitatively study screw-based locomotion across a wide variety of real-world environments. Our mobile test bed enables indoor and outdoor experimentation, including water tests, to collect data on screw performance. We present experimental results and performance analysis across different media, and analyze the performance of different screw designs to inform optimal design choices.Furthermore, we construct an amphibious screw-propelled snake robot to demonstrate the mobility of screw-based locomotion. The robot is capable of traversing different terrains while maintaining stability and maneuverability. Our experimental results show that screw-based locomotion is effective in multi-domain mobility and can be optimized with specific screw designs. Our findings provide valuable insights into the performance and design of screw-based locomotion for future researchers and engineers. We envision that our results can inform the development of effective screw-based locomotion systems for a range of applications.

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