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Applications of High-Contrast Imaging Techniques and Polarimetry to (Exo-)Planetary Science


The goal of this thesis is to characterize circumstellar disks and substellar objects, from moons to brown dwarfs, by improving and applying techniques from high-contrast imaging. To do so, I led four projects, two of which expand the range of targets accessible by high-contrast imaging. In Project 1, I develop an improved algorithm for high-contrast imaging data processing, enabling detection of fainter, smaller planets; this algorithm uses both spatial and temporal information on the speckle noise present in high-contrast images, and will be especially useful for next-generation photon-counting detectors such as Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKIDs). In Project 2, I demonstrate a new technique to detect and monitor ejections of ice particles from subsurface oceans on outer solar system bodies, such as Jupiter’s icy moon Europa, using ground-based polarimetric imaging. Such plumes have not been confirmed on Europa, but are of significant interest for astrobiology and planning for the upcoming Europa Clipper mission.

The remaining two projects use existing analysis techniques to investigate individual systems of interest that add to our understanding of planet formation. In Project 3, I characterize the atmosphere of a brown dwarf around HIP 93398, a recently discovered companion identified via the Hipparcos Gaia Catalog of Accelerations, using high-resolution spectra from SCExAO/CHARIS. With both a dynamical mass measurement and high-resolution spectroscopy, HIP 93398 B provides substantial constraints on models of brown dwarf evolution. In Project 4, I constrain the morphology and scattering properties of the debris disk around the bright star HD 155623, a unique “hybrid” debris disk that shows signs of youth despite its age, using polarimetric data from the Gemini Planet Imager. With the information from my investigation, the HD 156623 system can now serve as a benchmark for models aiming to explain how gas and dust interact during the later stages of planet formation.

These investigations both further innovation in exoplanet imaging techniques and, respectively, provide insight into detections of extrasolar planets, the nature of oceans beyond Earth, the mechanisms of planet formation, and the atmospheres of giant planets and brown dwarfs.

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