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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC San Diego

UC San Diego Electronic Theses and Dissertations bannerUC San Diego

Silicon rich silicon carbide for integrated photonic applications


Silicon photonics is a rapidly growing field of technology that focuses on the use of silicon-based materials to manipulate light in order to transmit information. By leveraging the unique properties of silicon-based materials, silicon photonics offers several advantages over conventional electronic-based technologies. Silicon is a mature CMOS material and is one of the most widely used integrated photonic platforms. However, silicon has a relatively smaller band gap, which limits its power handling capabilities due to two-photon absorption, making it unsuitable for high-intensity nonlinear optical processing.

In this dissertation, I will show our effort in developing silicon rich carbide (SRC) as a new photonic material that addresses the limitations of silicon. By increasing the silicon content, SRC offers enhanced nonlinearity while maintaining a wider band gap than silicon. Results demonstrate a 7-fold increase in nonlinearity compared to stoichiometric silicon carbide. Additionally, preliminary work on a Si/SRC hybrid waveguide modulator is presented, utilizing the quadratic EO effect (DC Kerr effect).

Another important active photonic building block is the phase shifter. Many photonic applications, including optical modulators and all-optical switches, rely on tunability to control the optical properties in PICs. One of the common mechanisms that is used for circuit tuning is the thermo-optic effect. The dissertation will show our work on exploring the thermo-optic coefficient (TOC) of the SRC material and demonstrates a 3-fold improvement in the TOC with respect to the stoichiometric silicon carbide. An efficient thermo-optic phase shifter is also demonstrated using SRC.

In conclusion, SRC, with its high nonlinearities, high power handling capability, high TOC, and compatibility with CMOS processing, shows great potential as a promising material candidate for integrated photonic applications.

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