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UC Riverside

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Soil Genesis, Hydrology, and Biogeochemistry of the White Mountains, Eastern California, USA


The arid White Mountains in eastern California are characterized by a steep temperature and precipitation gradient, is an ideal site to study the integrated effects of vegetation and climate on soil properties. Soil physical and hydrologic properties are particularly important in this dry environment because they control infiltration, runoff, and the distribution of plant available water. In addition, these mountains are constantly receiving enormous amount of dust from the Owens Lake playa. Deposition of dust below the clasts over the long period leads to development of vesicular horizons on the surface which decreases percolation of water in the profile because of their platy structure. Therefore, pedogenic processes like eluviation and illuviation are restricted in the profiles that form these surface horizons. To study the soil morphology and soil development in this clast-supported matrix, a transect ranging from 2,200 to 4,300 m was established in 2009 in the WMs on two primary lithologies present in the range, granodiorite and quartzite. Eleven sites in total were established; at least 4 soil pits were hand dug to 50 cm at each site and morphological information was recorded. After examining the 4 pedons, a representative was chosen, excavated further to 1 m, and described and sampled for standard soil physical and chemical analysis. Pedons were described under shrubs or trees when present to fully characterize each site. Soil physical and chemical properties including 1:1 pH, NaF pH, EC, soil organic and inorganic carbon, and particle-size distribution were measured in the lab. Bulk density was measured in horizons where the compliant cavity method could be used and was extrapolated to other horizons through the development of a pedotransfer function for the site. Qualitative soil morphological data collected in the field were integrated and quantified using a profile development index and a vesicular horizon index. In addition, geochemical weathering indices were calculated such as the chemical index of alteration, eluvial-illuvial coeffcients, and strain to compare weathering processes in granodiorite and quartzite soils. This study will help understand the response of soil properties and hydrology to predicted bioclimatic changes, serving as a baseline to measure future regional and even global climate change.

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