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HES : : Haptic Elasticity Simulator
The pattern of fast paced life we live those days has a great affect on our health. Most of today's diseases are tied to bad eating habits. The increment happened in last years for this type of diseases grasps the attention towards increasing the awareness of adopting a healthy lifestyle .On the other hand, some of the disease, if are not taken seriously, will lead to severe situations. As we believe in the importance of increasing the awareness of the patients towards their health, we provided a system that could be used in the hospitals and clinics as a tool that shows the patients the extent of the damage they have in the affected organ of their bodies, such as the liver or the kidney, to encourage them to put more effort in adopting healthier life . Haptic Elasticity Simulator (HES) was designed and developed to solve this issue and to bridge the gap between the patient and his/her physician. Moreover, HES encourages the patient to change their life style and helps maintaining a healthy record by allowing the patients to visualize an organ and feel its elasticity in virtual reality environment
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