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Rook/Wilkinson/Ebling's Textbook of Dermatology
Edited by R.H. Champion, J.L. Burton & F.J.G. Ebling.
Blackwell Scientific Publications
ISBN 0-86542-234-6 (Electronic fifth edition)
Cost: $295 personal/institutional
Rook's Textbook of Dermatology: CD-ROM
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Rook/Wilkinson/Ebling's Textbook of Dermatology
Edited by R.H. Champion, J.L. Burton & F.J.G. Ebling.
Blackwell Scientific Publications
ISBN 0-86542-234-6 (Electronic fifth edition)
Cost: $295 personal/institutional
ReviewMost dermatologists are familiar with the definitive British reference Rook/Wilkinson/Ebling's Textbook of Dermatology. This tome which comprises four hardcover volumes costing $550 in book form is now available on CD-ROM. If you don't already own the hardcover version of the fifth, most recent edition of this text, the CD-ROM version priced at only $295 represents excellent value for the money. The CD-ROM contains the complete text and 1,767 illustrations, with over 1,400 in full color. Furthermore, having the text on one convenient CD- ROM, eliminates the frustration and tedium of having to handle four heavy volumes: Murphy's law seems to dictate that the topic one is looking for in Rook is never in the first volume one pulls off the bookshelf! |
by |
Claire L. Haycox, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Medicine (Dermatology) University of Washington |
images © 1996 Mosby - Year Book, Inc. text © 1997 Dermatology Online Journal |