Tackling Measurement Uncertainties in Field-effect Transistor-based Biosensors
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Tackling Measurement Uncertainties in Field-effect Transistor-based Biosensors


Field-effect transistor (FET) based biosensors have emerged as a promising candidate to provide quick, convenient, accurate, and label-free biological analytes quantization outside conventional laboratories. They sense intrinsic charges carried by the target analytes and therefore avoid time-consuming sample labeling processing. Label-free detection of the specific target analytes is achieved by coupling immunological receptor probes with FET. They specifically capture the target analytes, change the surface charging state, and the underlying transistor transduces such surface charge into electrical signals that could be directly fed to an electronic readout system. Over the past decades, FET-based biosensors have demonstrated high sensitivity and low limit of detection (LLOD) in detecting a plethora of targets, including proteins, volatile organic compounds, nucleotides, and viruses. Measurement uncertainties, the fluctuation of the measurable quantities, are crucial for high-performance biological assays. It must be kept small enough to allow the signal from ultra-low concentration target analytes to stand out of the background. Measurement uncertainties in FET-based biosensors originate from multiple sources, including noise, device instability, device-to-device variation, sample preparations, etc. Among these sources, noise sets a fundamental lower limit of fluctuations for a specific device and shall be minimized. Meanwhile, other factors may contribute more significant measurement uncertainties than the characterized noise limit in practical analytical assays. The lack of understanding and control of the measurement uncertainty sources becomes one critical challenge preventing FET-based biosensors from generating larger impacts in the biomedical industry despite their tremendous success in research laboratories.

This dissertation is to enhance our understanding of measurement uncertainties in FET-based biosensors and propose strategies to mitigate them. In the first part of this work, we analyzed the low-frequency noise of dual-gated silicon field-effect transistor (DG-FET) biosensors with Schottky contacts. We found the flicker noise at the sensing insulator-semiconductor interface to be the major noise source while employing Schottky contacts to have minimal noise contribution with a sufficiently large back-gate bias voltage. The measured noise dependence on transconductance further indicated the presence of non-uniform energy distribution of interface trap density at the said sensing interface. Based on these findings, we argued that the DG structure is advantageous over its single-gated (SG) counterpart – although they possess the same intrinsic LLOD, the former could offer a larger signal gain at the optimum LLOD thanks to sufficient channel carrier supply through back-gating instead of biasing the sensing interface toward band edge with higher trap density. In the second part of this work, we studied the instability of the same DG-FET biosensor. FET biosensors are exposed to electrolyte solution and therefore more prone to device instability issues like characteristic drifting compared with conventional devices used in integrated circuits (IC), which are often well passivated from the ambient. Such time-varying behavior leads to a longer waiting time to stabilize the sensor as well as larger measurement uncertainties if multiple measurements are conducted. We analyzed the instability behavior observed in DG-FET sensing experiments and hypothesized it was a result of redistributed protons inside dielectrics at the silicon/oxide interface of the back-gate. Two improved measurement techniques, pulsed IV and pulse resetting, were proposed and demonstrated to mitigate their effects in the measurement data.

In the third part of this work, we examined the nonlinearity in FET-based binding assay response. While the dose-response curve of an affinity-based bioanalytical assay generally shows a nonlinear relationship, any distortion due to the FET transducers has not been well understood. We showed that the nonlinear transduction mechanism of FET sensors plays an important role in shaping their dose-response curves when operating in the nonlinear regime. Negligence of such nonlinearity would introduce errors in the extracted affinity properties of the analyte-receptor pair. This work provides useful guidelines for designing FET-based binding assays and interpreting their measurement data.

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