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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC Berkeley

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Impact of Restricted Spin-Ranges in the Oslo Method: The Example of (d,p)240Pu

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In this paper we present the first systematic analysis of the impact of the populated vs. intrinsic spin distribution on the nuclear level density and γ-ray strength function retrieved through the Oslo Method. We illustrate the effect of the spin distribution on the recently performed239Pu(d,pγ)240Pu experiment using a 12 MeV deuteron beam performed at the Oslo Cyclotron Lab. In the analysis we couple state-of-the-art calculations for the populated spin-distributions with the Monte-Carlo nuclear decay code RAINIER to compare Oslo Method results to the known input. We find that good knowledge of the populated spin distribution is crucial and show that the populated distribution has a significant impact on the extracted nuclear level density and γ-ray strength function for the239Pu(d,pγ)240Pu case.

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