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Plexus 2022: Illuminate
- Hope, Ashley;
- Yang, Celina;
- Schmitt, Kenneth;
- Frambach, Caroline;
- Kroenig, Gianna;
- Sahagian, Christopher;
- Wang, Jessica;
- Anonymous, .;
- Burger, Sydney;
- Patel, Shaili;
- Flores, Cindy;
- Dangodara, Amish;
- Baveja, Shivali;
- Frank, Maddelyn;
- Suchard, Jeffrey;
- Tsai, Olivia;
- Hui, May;
- Rodriguez, Vanessa;
- Wen, Deborah;
- Shapiro, Johanna;
- Novac, Andrei;
- Membreno, Jessica
Editor's Note
PLEXUS is a student-organized publication that showcases creative work by medical students, physicians, faculty, and others in the UCI medical community.
Through the universal language of art, the journal aspires to connect those who seek to heal and to be healed.
We hope that PLEXUS will always be a creative and welcoming space in which we can all reflect and share our experiences in medicine and in life. Medicine, especially in recent years, may feel like a solitary endeavor. Now, more than ever, we hope PLEXUS provides solace and community to all who contribute to and view its pages.
Illumination is the state of being brought to light. This year’s 23rd edition of PLEXUS, Illuminate, focuses on the action, the process, and the source by which we shine light on the world around us and all that is within ourselves. As a society we are still in a period of reckoning, returning, and reeling from recent changes. As part of a medical community we are committed to a lifelong process of learning and growing. In this issue we invited the UCI community to consider what we would like to bring to light – a question, a story, a cause, or a word of wisdom - to bring forth the things we are passionate about, are coming to terms with, and have newly discovered.
We are incredibly grateful to our amazing community for their support in sustaining PLEXUS. We would like to give special thanks to our faculty advisors Dr Johanna Shapiro, Dr Tan Nguyen, Dr Frank Meyskens, and Dr Juliet McMullin.
This journal would not have been possible without their continuous support and guidance.
We hope you enjoy PLEXUS 2022: Illuminate.
Editors in Chief: Ashley Hope, Celina Yang, Kenneth Schmitt
Congratulations to the winners of the 2022 medical student competition! Fireside with You, by Caroline Frambach (MS4); Tomatoes and Ice, by Gianna Kroenig (MS1); Present, by Christopher Sahagian (MS1); Dream Sequence, by Jessica Wang (MS3)
(Front cover) The Observatory By Vinay Sharma, MS1
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