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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Saving Grace: Health and Healing for Gay Men in the Black Church

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African Americans make up only six percent of San Francisco’s population, but they are nine times more likely than whites to have AIDS. This video looks at the group most at risk for the disease, black gay men, and how the church community affects their HIV/AIDS prevention and care.

Source List Articles:

Eaton, Lisa, Seth Kalichman, and Chauncey Cherry. “Sexual Partner Selection and HIV Risk Reduction Among Black and White Men Who Have Sex With Men.” American Journal of Public Health 100.3 (2010): 503-509. 1 Sept. 2010. Web.

“HIV among African Americans.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Sept. 2010. Web. 25 Jan. 2011.

Lubensky, Micah, et al. “Black Brothers Esteem’s Spiritual Health Initiative: Focusing on spiritual health to further HIV prevention and strengthen holistic health among African-American MSM (men who have sex with men).” AIDS 2008 - XVII International AIDS Conference. International AIDS Society. Mexico City: 3 Aug. 2008. Print.

McFarland,Willi. “HIV prevalence and risk behavior among African American MSM: An epidemiological paradox?” University of California, San Francisco [Conference Presentation]. San Francisco.

Raymond, Fisher H. “HIV Update.” San Francisco Department of Public Health [Conference Presentation]. San Francisco. 13 January 2011.

Wilson, Patrick A., et al. “Race-Based Sexual Stereotyping and Sexual Partnering Among Men Who Use the Internet to Identify Other Men for Bareback Sex.” Journal of Sex Research 46 (2009): 1-15. Web. 1 Sept. 2010.


Norman Tanner, Black Brothers Esteem outreach coordinator, San Francisco AIDS Foundation

Micah Lubensky, community development manager, San Francisco AIDS Foundation

Susan Kegeles, co-director, Center for AIDS Prevention Studies

George Bridges, choir member, Glide Memorial United Methodist Church

Cecil Williams, minister and founder, Glide Memorial United Methodist Church

Janice Mirikitani, founding president, Glide Memorial United Methodist Church

Paul Harkin, HIV services coordinator, Glide Memorial United Methodist Church Clinic

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