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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC Davis

UC Davis Electronic Theses and Dissertations bannerUC Davis

Monotonic and Cyclic Resistance of MICP Cemented Silica and Carbonate Sands


Earthquake-induced cyclic loading poses a concern to infrastructure founded on liquefiable soils, often resulting in severe damage like foundation bearing failure and lateral spreading. To mitigate these risks, ground improvement methods can be implemented to increase the soil's resistance to liquefaction triggering and thus any ensuing deformations. This research investigates the behavior of biocemented soils using a triaxial device, focusing on how monotonic and cyclic responses change with varying levels of Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation (MICP) treatment, soil composition, and loading conditions. Previous studies have explored MICP at different scales, but few have utilized triaxial testing, which offers control over stress conditions and allows for localized specimen response. This study builds on prior work by conducting twenty-one monotonic and twenty-nine cyclic tests on carbonate and silica sands, with mixed sands also tested to examine the influence of carbonate content. The results indicate that MICP treatment enhances cyclic resistance significantly, with shear wave velocity measurements providing novel insights into fabric changes. Uncemented specimens behaved as expected, showing rapid pore water pressure generation and liquefaction triggering, while cemented specimens exhibited increased strength and stiffness, particularly under cyclic loading. The findings suggest that MICP treatment is more effective for improving cyclic resistance than monotonic strength, underscoring its potential as a method for liquefaction mitigation.

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