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Draft Genome Sequences of Two Gammaproteobacterial Methanotrophs Isolated from Rice Ecosystems
- Frindte, Katharina;
- Kalyuzhnaya, Marina G;
- Bringel, Françoise;
- Dunfield, Peter F;
- Jetten, Mike SM;
- Khmelenina, Valentina N;
- Klotz, Martin G;
- Murrell, J Colin;
- Camp, Huub JM Op den;
- Sakai, Yasuyoshi;
- Semrau, Jeremy D;
- Shapiro, Nicole;
- DiSpirito, Alan A;
- Stein, Lisa Y;
- Svenning, Mette M;
- Trotsenko, Yuri A;
- Vuilleumier, Stéphane;
- Woyke, Tanja;
- Knief, Claudia
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The genomes of the aerobic methanotrophs "Methyloterricola oryzae" strain 73aT and Methylomagnum ishizawai strain 175 were sequenced. Both strains were isolated from rice plants. Methyloterricola oryzae strain 73aT represents the first isolate of rice paddy cluster I, and strain 175 is the second representative of the recently described genus Methylomagnum.