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Open Access Publications from the University of California


With the breadth of expertise of integrated teams, Earth and Environmental scientists are tackling some of the most pressing environmental and energy challenges of the 21st century in order to enable sustainable stewardship of our Environmental Systems and judicious use of the Earth’s subsurface energy resources.

Earth & Environmental Sciences

There are 3728 publications in this collection, published between 1978 and 2025.
Climate & Ecosystems (2045)

Impacts of microtopographic snow redistribution and lateral subsurface processes on hydrologic and thermal states in an Arctic polygonal ground ecosystem: a case study using ELM-3D v1.0

Microtopographic features, such as polygonal ground, are characteristic sources of landscape heterogeneity in the Alaskan Arctic coastal plain. Here, we analyze the effects of snow redistribution (SR) and lateral subsurface processes on hydrologic and thermal states at a polygonal tundra site near Barrow, Alaska. We extended the land model integrated in the E3SM to redistribute incoming snow by accounting for microtopography and incorporated subsurface lateral transport of water and energy (ELM-3D v1.0). Multiple 10-year-long simulations were performed for a transect across a polygonal tundra landscape at the Barrow Environmental Observatory in Alaska to isolate the impact of SR and subsurface process representation. When SR was included, model predictions better agreed (higher R2, lower bias and RMSE) with observed differences in snow depth between polygonal rims and centers. The model was also able to accurately reproduce observed soil temperature vertical profiles in the polygon rims and centers (overall bias, RMSE, and R2 of 0.59°C, 1.82°C, and 0.99, respectively). The spatial heterogeneity of snow depth during the winter due to SR generated surface soil temperature heterogeneity that propagated in depth and time and led to ∼10 cm shallower and ∼5 cm deeper maximum annual thaw depths under the polygon rims and centers, respectively. Additionally, SR led to spatial heterogeneity in surface energy fluxes and soil moisture during the summer. Excluding lateral subsurface hydrologic and thermal processes led to small effects on mean states but an overestimation of spatial variability in soil moisture and soil temperature as subsurface liquid pressure and thermal gradients were artificially prevented from spatially dissipating over time. The effect of lateral subsurface processes on maximum thaw depths was modest, with mean absolute differences of ∼3 cm. Our integration of three-dimensional subsurface hydrologic and thermal subsurface dynamics in the E3SM land model will facilitate a wide range of analyses heretofore impossible in an ESM context.

Integrated modeling and field study of potential mechanisms for induced seismicity at The Geysers Goethermal Field, California

In this paper, we present progress made in a study aimed at increasing the understanding of the relative contributions of different mechanisms that may be causing the seismicity occurring at The Geysers geothermal field, California. The approach we take is to integrate: (1) coupled reservoir geomechanical numerical modeling, (2) data from recently upgraded and expanded NCPA/Calpine/LBNL seismic arrays, and (3) tens of years of archival InSAR data from monthly satellite passes. We have conducted a coupled reservoir geomechanical analysis to study potential mechanisms induced by steam production. Our simulation results corroborate co-locations of hypocenter field observations of induced seismicity and their correlation with steam production as reported in the literature. Seismic and InSAR data are being collected and processed for use in constraining the coupled reservoir geomechanical model.

Soils and sediments host Thermoplasmata archaea encoding novel copper membrane monooxygenases (CuMMOs)

Copper membrane monooxygenases (CuMMOs) play critical roles in the global carbon and nitrogen cycles. Organisms harboring these enzymes perform the first, and rate limiting, step in aerobic oxidation of ammonia, methane, or other simple hydrocarbons. Within archaea, only organisms in the order Nitrososphaerales (Thaumarchaeota) encode CuMMOs, which function exclusively as ammonia monooxygenases. From grassland and hillslope soils and aquifer sediments, we identified 20 genomes from distinct archaeal species encoding divergent CuMMO sequences. These archaea are phylogenetically clustered in a previously unnamed Thermoplasmatota order, herein named the Ca. Angelarchaeales. The CuMMO proteins in Ca. Angelarchaeales are more similar in structure to those in Nitrososphaerales than those of bacteria, and contain all functional residues required for general monooxygenase activity. Ca. Angelarchaeales genomes are significantly enriched in blue copper proteins (BCPs) relative to sibling lineages, including plastocyanin-like electron carriers and divergent nitrite reductase-like (nirK) 2-domain cupredoxin proteins co-located with electron transport machinery. Ca. Angelarchaeales also encode significant capacity for peptide/amino acid uptake and degradation and share numerous electron transport mechanisms with the Nitrososphaerales. Ca. Angelarchaeales are detected at high relative abundance in some of the environments where their genomes originated from. While the exact substrate specificities of the novel CuMMOs identified here have yet to be determined, activity on ammonia is possible given their metabolic and ecological context. The identification of an archaeal CuMMO outside of the Nitrososphaerales significantly expands the known diversity of CuMMO enzymes in archaea and suggests previously unaccounted organisms contribute to critical global nitrogen and/or carbon cycling functions.

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Energy Geosciences (1771)

Integrated modeling and field study of potential mechanisms for induced seismicity at The Geysers Goethermal Field, California

In this paper, we present progress made in a study aimed at increasing the understanding of the relative contributions of different mechanisms that may be causing the seismicity occurring at The Geysers geothermal field, California. The approach we take is to integrate: (1) coupled reservoir geomechanical numerical modeling, (2) data from recently upgraded and expanded NCPA/Calpine/LBNL seismic arrays, and (3) tens of years of archival InSAR data from monthly satellite passes. We have conducted a coupled reservoir geomechanical analysis to study potential mechanisms induced by steam production. Our simulation results corroborate co-locations of hypocenter field observations of induced seismicity and their correlation with steam production as reported in the literature. Seismic and InSAR data are being collected and processed for use in constraining the coupled reservoir geomechanical model.

Radiocesium interaction with clay minerals: Theory and simulation advances Post–Fukushima

Insights at the microscopic level of the process of radiocesium adsorption and interaction with clay mineral particles have improved substantially over the past several years, triggered by pressing social issues such as management of huge amounts of waste soil accumulated after the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant accident. In particular, computer-based molecular modeling supported by advanced hardware and algorithms has proven to be a powerful approach. Its application can now generally encompass the full complexity of clay particle adsorption sites from basal surfaces to interlayers with inserted water molecules, to edges including fresh and weathered frayed ones. On the other hand, its methodological schemes are now varied from traditional force-field molecular dynamics on large-scale realizations composed of many thousands of atoms including water molecules to first-principles methods on smaller models in rather exacting fashion. In this article, we overview new understanding enabled by simulations across methodological variations, focusing on recent insights that connect with experimental observations, namely: 1) the energy scale for cesium adsorption on the basal surface, 2) progress in understanding the structure of clay edges, which is difficult to probe experimentally, 3) cesium adsorption properties at hydrated interlayer sites, 4) the importance of the size relationship between the ionic radius of cesium and the interlayer distance at frayed edge sites, 5) the migration of cesium into deep interlayer sites, and 6) the effects of nuclear decay of radiocesium. Key experimental observations that motivate these simulation advances are also summarized. Furthermore, some directions toward future solutions of waste soil management are discussed based on the obtained microscopic insights.

Competing Effects of Mountain Uplift and Landslide Erosion Over Earthquake Cycles

Large earthquakes can construct mountainous topography by inducing rock uplift but also erode mountains by causing landslides. Observations following the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake show that landslide volumes in some cases match seismically induced uplift, raising questions about how the actions of individual earthquakes accumulate to build topography. Here we model the two-dimensional surface displacement field generated over a full earthquake cycle accounting for coseismic deformation, postseismic relaxation, landslide erosion, and erosion-induced isostatic compensation. We explore the related volume balance across different seismotectonic and topographic conditions and revisit the Wenchuan case in this context. The ratio (Ω) between landslide erosion and uplift is most sensitive to parameters determining landslide volumes (particularly earthquake magnitude Mw, seismic energy source depth, and failure susceptibility, as well as the seismological factor responsible for triggering landslides), and is moderately sensitive to the effective elastic thickness of lithosphere, Te. For a specified magnitude, more erosive events (higher Ω) tend to occur at shallower depth, in thicker-Te lithosphere, and in steeper, more landslide-prone landscapes. For given landscape and seismotectonic conditions, the volumes of both landslides and uplift to first order positively scale with Mw and seismic moment Mo. However, higher Mw earthquakes generate lower landslide and uplift volumes per unit Mo, suggesting lower efficiency in the use of seismic energy to drive topographic change. With our model, we calculate the long-term average seismic volume balance for the eastern Tibetan region and find that the net topographic effect of earthquakes in this region tends to be constructive rather than erosive. Overall, destructive events are rare when considering processes over the full earthquake cycle, although they are more likely if only considering the coseismic volume budget (as was the case for the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake where landsliding substantially offset coseismic uplift). Irrespective of the net budget, our results suggest that the erosive power of earthquakes plays an important role in mountain belt evolution, including by influencing structures and spatial patterns of deformation, for example affecting the wavelength of topography.

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